Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I don't want to be a snob!!!!!

So yeah I have been noticing lately that there are a great many cycling snobs out there.

I have been getting more and more upset at the scenster kids that are so fucking cookie cutter, cliquish, ass hat I think I am better than you little shits. They act as if they invented fixies or riding them around town. They act as if they are better then the daily business commuter who treks thirty miles on a geared bike everyday both ways. They rape the cycling world of its classic bikes so that can have their Colonago fixie. They all wear the exact same thing, black chucks, tight women's pants, messenger bags, tri-spoke wheels, blah, blah, blah. They are the new "New Punk" kids, let us be different by all looking the exact same. Mash SF is just one more testament to how fucking lame these kids are. Let's ride around town doing the exact same skid stop thru the whole movie. Like none of us that have ridden a fixie have ever had close calls, now we need a movie showing it.

So then on the other side I am also sick of the roadies. They all act as if riding anything other than a road bike is a joke. If it is not all carbon or less than 15 pounds it is lame. If you ride your bike just for fun, what is that. Got to train, got to get in miles, got to always race. Trekking across the country is lame. Bikes should only be used for racing blah blah blah. We all talk shit about what clothes are the best and how much TREK, LOOK,BIANCI WHATEVER SUCKS.

Oh and let me not even get started on MTB guys. "Spandex warriors don't know pain til they have ridden off road". These fucking ass clowns never even ride stuff that their bikes are designed for. Yeah I personally need 6 inches of travel to ride the loop. That type of suspension is for real MTB trails not the Loop or Whiting Ranch, or even the Luge out at Modejska Canyon. Sure it makes it nice, but for fuck sakes I, or some of my personal friends have done one or all of those trials on a Cross-bike.

And you god damn single-speeders. I understand the love, hell I wasn't allowed to ride gears for the first six months I rode off road. I loved it and still love it. But some of you act as if you are a fucking god, and look down on geared riders. So what, fucking relax, yes I am sure that your penis, and or vagina ,to be PC, is bigger than everyone else's. I am sure that if you rode gears you would kick my ass up a hill. Or if we all went single we could all feel your joy, but they make gears and sell them so why not fucking get a bike with them and try and relax for awhile on a group ride rather than constantly being out of breathe. Just a thought here, if you didn't want to talk to others while you road why the fuck did you come on the group ride.

I love riding my bike but I get really annoyed by all of this. I personally ride every style. I had every type of bike up until recently. I personally feel that people, including me, get caught up in the "stuff" and forget about the ride. Shut up and go fucking ride.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thank god I am racing????

I haven't raced in over a month. I know disgusting, but hey shit happens and has it been happening to me!!!

Let me see the last time I raced was October 20th. I went into the race feeling good and wrecked. Fucked up my shoulder, out for the rest of the week. That same day the fires started in O.C. and stopped me from riding all week long. Finally air clears up 10-29, Monday and I end up with not one, not two but four Cornial Ulcers in my right eye. Well that takes me off the bike for two weeks. Considering the first week I was stuck at home with the lights off due to the massive migrains strong light gave me, I say it was pretty serious. I also had to put drops and an ointment in my eye for two weeks. Yes I said ointment. This stuff had the consistancy of Neosporin and would blur my vision in my right eye for an hour.

So once that is all over with and I can start wearing contacts again now that it is now November. Infact it is the week of the 11th-17th. I decide on Thursday the 15th that it would be a good idea to go ride offroad since my optometrist says it is okay. I am feeling good and am pushing right along. I am almost done with the loop and at the top of the Luge. I am following Hugo (bad move I later fnd out) and we are gaining speed. I am spinning out on a 48-11 on a 29er. I go off the first little step off and fly to the left side of the trail. I then go off the next step off and sail right along to stick my front wheel in a rut. I go OTB (Over The Bars) and demolish the bike, as well as my self.

So I figure give it a week and I should be good. I figure I will go race the 25th of November. Eeeeghghghghghgh!!!! Nope I go ride the morning of my birthday (23rd for those of you who don't know). It is a nice easy 42 miles at about 22mph down to Sunset Beach and back. Somehow I pulled my IT band. Put me in so much pain that I had to spend the whole next day, hungover as well, icing it so I could walk. Sunday it still hurt and I did a nice easy ride around town to stretch it. About 30 mile to Cal Poly and back. It felt okay but jumping and or running on it out of the question.

So this week I gear up for the weekend. Start back up the old training regiment. I put in 80-90 miles on Monday,Lincoln to Batavia, to Taft, to Cannon, to Santiago Canyon, to the 133 to PCH, to the River trail, to home. Did it in about five hours. Tuesday spent an hour on the rollers to get the acid out of the legs. Wedensday a relax day. Today going to go ride the Loop. But hey hold on the race this week is in Bakersfield. Fuck that I am not going to drive to Spracktown. No fucking way in hell.
A.) It is Bakersfield
B) It is Bakersfield
C) I ain't got the cash for that gas
D) it is Bakersfield
I hate that town and I will not drive there. If I wanted to race in Sprack alley I would go to Costa Mesa and race up and down Hamilton.
So Maybe I will get to race next week.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Lets Ride

So people have been asking me what my new bike looks like? Well it looks like this...
This is actually before we cut the seatmast and put my wheels on it but that is damn near finished. I fucking love it and I might quit my job so I can ride it more. I am not joking I might go get a shitty part time job just to pay the bills and then go ride this bad boy around.
On another note I have been missing riding off road lately. I think I am going to go ride the loop tonight if I can figure out someway to mount my damn NR light to my bike.
still trying to figure that one out. Well it is off to go get that done.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cut it short.

So the old lady says to me "I like your writing style, you go blah blah blah I had a bad week, oh yeah the boys at the shop now call me Bobke. Just cut it off at the end, no explanation nothing just Bobke."

So here is the explanation of the Bobke name, we are sitting there at the shop watching the crash video with Bob Roll narrating, when Cheddar turns to me and says "hey you look like him." To which my girlfriend says "oh my god you really do." So now all the boys call me Bobke. So there is the story not that exciting really. That is why I cut it short.

On a positive note I got to finally put miles on my new road bike.(Look 595 pro team with Chorus kit, Easton EA90 SL rims, Easton EA90 stem and bars) It is awesome. Put about 130 miles on in three days. I know not that much but still a blast. The damn thing is so responsive. It just wants to go, and in corners it tracks like it was on rails. No effort leaning it over, you actually have to kind of pull yourself back. I have to say that the only thing I do not like about the bike is the ass hatchet for a seat that it has. The seat is really only good for 45 miles before it started to tear up my t'aint. I did about 60 miles on Monday and when I got done it felt like someone hit my taint with an aluminum baseball bat. I am going to give it another two weeks to see if it needs significant break in time, after that it is going to the dumpster gods and I am going back to a Fizik Aireone.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Take the good the bad!

So this week starts off excellent, I get a brand new bike on Monday. I got a Look 595 pro tour white. It is beautiful, chorus kit Easton EA90 bars, wheels, and stem, profile bottle cages. I love it and yet have not ridden it yet. Why you ask? Oh it is not out of choice, let me assure you. I also on Monday got infections in my right eye. I know am fighting three cornial ulcers. I have the responsibility of putting drops in my eyes all day today. I can't ride because my eye hurts like hell from light changes, it goes in and out of focus, it is always blurry. I feel like a mutant walking around one eye closed tightly and grimacing at any change in light. So yeah that is my week so far. I hope this shit clears up fast so I can ride or I am going to fucking snap. Oh on another note the boys at the old bike shop have named me Bobke. So yeah it is a good week so far.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cyclists Down????

Seeing that I am new to cycling. I am more sensitive to stories about cyclists getting hit or killed by vehicles, out of their own fault or not. I read on the old Drunk Cyclist page everyday it seems about another person, mother, father, child, sibling etc;, dieing. I am not sure but it seems, in the last two years, to be gaining speed. Now is it because more people due to economical pressure are riding bikes, or that it has been deemed more environmental friendly? Is it due to the fact that cyclists are acting as if they own the road and breaking laws all the time? Is it because we as a society are becoming less patient of others and expect people to give us respect? Not sure.
I ride about 150 miles a week on a bicycle, sometimes more. I have been pushed off the road, yelled at, and had shit thrown at me. This got me wondering if my own friends are ones who do this to others? I have a bunch of friends that do not ride or understand the mentality of riding. I wonder if they remember that they have a friend (me) that rides everyday he can on the road, or trail, and try's to obey all laws. I have pondered if everone of my friends realizes that their vehicle could end a cyclists life in a second just by stopping in front of that person. That when they are making the quick right turn in front of a cyclist and cutting him off while he is moving along at 20 miles an hour that he could snap him neck by hitting the back of a car. When they won't pass in the left lane and try and squeeze around him in the lane with cars parked on the right he could eat a mirror or door, be out of work for awhile or dead. I would just like my friends that do not ride to try and remember that. Try and think about me or your other friends that may ride every time you think "damn biker/cyclist" and want to do something rash.
Also remember that by law we as cyclists are supposed to be in the road. I am only saying this because I really do not want to have to go to a funeral for one of my friends that do ride, or attend my own, or attend one of my friends court hearing for vehicular manslaughter.
As for you cyclists as I have always said braking the laws intentionally is not going to make motorists respect us anymore. Cutting people off, riding against traffic, going extremely slow so you can talk (which by the way I found I can do at higher speeds just as easily), running stop signs when there are cars waiting, or no lights. These things tend to anger others, just as if you were driving and had to avoid a car with no lights or coming at you. I am only saying this because I really do not want to have to go to a funeral for one of my friends that do ride, or attend my own, or attend one of my friends court hearing for vehicular manslaughter.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

What a fuck'd weekend

So yeah woke up Saturday morning about 6am to get ready to go race at Hansen Dam. Oh yeah I race, or I should say try to race cyclocross. Felt like shit and of course my kit was dirty, so now I stink. I then load up the old lady all my gear, the old lady's sister and my buddy Mikey. Oh yeah the dog Jake. Well, we get on the road after a stop for gas, and Del Taco at 825am. Race is at 10am. We get there and I am in a piss poor mood from the lack of sleep and energy. I get my number take a cold lap of the course and then proceed to warm up the old thunder thighs. I am starting to feel better. Race starts and I am staying with the pack. We go through the first run up and I pass a few people, go through the next section I hit the barriers and pass one more guy. I am feeling like a god, a fat slow and retarded god, but still a god. The course then goes up hill, I am trying to pass two more guys and they both go down on the inside of an uphill, right, turn. I swing to the outside so not to be part of the pile and I end up going up a steeper section pulling the bike out from under myself and falling straight armed onto my palm. This causes me to fuck up my shoulder. I try to push through the pain but after almost another full lap I realize that I can not control the front of my bike and am having a damn time trying to turn right. You know all that counter-steering stuff depends on the the ability to lean on the inside arm, well when it buckles you lose ya turn. So for my safety and the safety of the others I pulled out. This pissed me off and the first one to get the brunt of my anger is the old lady. Which I know she will read this so I am saying once again for the 5th time sorry sweetheart.

Sunday I get the bright idea that since I injured myself Saturday I should go for a team ride with the old Higher Cadence. It is a faster ride than I was ready for. We go up Brea Canyon and I get dropped, We then make a left on Brea Canyon Cutoff, I get dropped half way up. That is the whole ride. Me by myself, in pain (shoulder), trying to find the pack of 16 or so. We do East West, Turnbull Canyon, and back out Colima to Grand to D.B. Blvd and then back to Brea Canyon. Well I hook up with them around Nogales and Colima. We hit the Canyon, with a awesome pace line cooking along at about 33 miles an hour. I am playing gate keeper, cause I am weak, like Britney's defense about being a good mother. I then flat. No chance, they are gone I didn't whistle loud enough, nor did I want to fuck up their fun of the pace line. I fix it in about a minute and a half. Get going again and now I have the fun of pushing through the canyon as fast as I can (22 mph) to try and catch them. I don't,so like a true idiot instead of taking the easy way out I climb Lemon. I get back to the shop and about fall over. Did mention how much fun it is to try and climb out of the saddle with a fucked shoulder. It looked like the cycling version of the Ministry of Silly Walks.
So yeah just to say this was a really bummed fucking weekend. And with the heat and all the fires here in Socal you know it is just going to be a better week since I would rather go smoke a hundred cigarettes than ride in this air.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Beverly Hills Police Officer D. Prenesti Is an Asshole

lThis was taken from http://thingunderthebed.blogspot.com/

"I have a great amount of respect for the police. While there are lots of cases of cops abusing their power from thugs like Bernard Kerik on down to cops who are little more than street thugs with badges like the scum responsible for the arrest and torture of Abner Louima, it is grossly irresponsible to assume that all cops are as bad as them. There are going to be abuses of power at any level, and we cannot confuse the abusers with those that do the badge and the job great honor.That having been said, I sincerely think that Beverly Hills Police Officer D. Prenesti #421, serial no. 74700 is an asshole. Officer Prenesti is the kind of scum without compassion, sympathy, and the intelligence you'd find in a compost heap. Roughly two weeks ago, a cyclist was nearly broadsided by some fuckwit in a Black Ford Explorer in Beverly Hills. According to the story on DrunkCyclist (and in detail on laist.com and in greater detail on illuminateLA.com) When the police arrived, the jackass officer (Beverly Hills Police Officer D. Prenesti #421, serial no. 74700) was abusive to the point where I would damn well hope that this "Officer" loses his badge or at the very least gets humiliated and demoted for a gross dereliction of duty. Officer D. Prenesti is nothing more than a thug with a badge. This bully showed no compassion for the cyclist, and he ignored any possible explanation to suggest that the SUV driver was at fault. On top of that, his gross insensitivity to the cyclist nearly drove her to tears, and at no point in any of these stories did I read ONE FUCKING WORD about how the officer called in for an ambulance or at least asked if the cyclist required medical assistance. And he mocked the cyclist by saying "You quote me the section of code that she violated and then I'll write her a ticket." Maybe I missed that part of civics class where it said that it was the citizen's responsibility to know the law better than the police. Even if you don't live in and/or near Beverly Hills, remember that there are lots of things you can do. Election Day is creeping up, and I'm damn well sure that elected officials in Beverly Hills don't want or need an embarassment of this size.
1)Make Calls to the following numbers:Beverly Hills City - Operations Bureau, Police Department: (310) 285-2101
Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce: (310) 248-1000
Beverly Hills City - Library, Mayor and City Council: (310) 285-10132)

Email the following public officials:
Mayor Jimmy Delshad - JDelshad@beverlyhills.org
Vice Mayor Barry Brucker - Bbrucker@beverlyhills.org
Councilmember Linda J. Briskman - LBriskman@beverlyhills.org
Councilmember Frank M. Fenton - FFenton@beverlyhills.org
Councilmember Nancy Krasne - NKrasne@beverlyhills.org
City Manager Roderick J. Wood - RWood@beverlyhills.org
BH Police Chief David L. Snowden - DSnowden@beverlyhills.org
)Remember to report Citing officer: D. Prenesti #421, serial no. 747003)

Contact the Press: If you know anyone in the press, by all means tell them about this travesty of justice.
I have great sympathy for the police. They are providing a public service that not many are willing to do, and they are doing it under severe conditions. Your average NYC Cop has to wear a level 3 bullet resistant vest at all times, and it is strongly suggested that they wear the added reinforcement of a "shock plate," (a thin metallic plate to add even more protection). No matter what the weather is like, that along with the standard issue equipment is heavy. On top of that, each cop has to unfairly bear the burden of dirty, corrupt, and/or moronic cops like Beverly Hills Police Officer D. Prenesti #421, serial no. 74700. It is grossly unfair to think that all cops are like Officer Prenesti, but then again, Officer Prenesti is a scumbag who deserves to be exposed for the heartless thug he is."

I'll give this a shot?????

So here it is my first post on a blog besides that evil domain that traps all that look, known as myspace.com. I use to love it but it seems that now I check everyday like a test rat waiting for someone to send me a message, comment on my pics, or fucking tell me I am cool. It never happens so here is this shit.
So what will this blog page be about, anything I feel like mainly, cycling, what I feel like yelling about, or if I ever read the news maybe some current events. last time I actually gave a shit about the stuff in our ever so free media (sarcasm there) was when this shit just happened. Since then all I ever see is smoke and mirrors, who did or who is doing what wrong. It may be wrong of me but for fucks sake I am over it all. Bush and all of his crew are jackass' but our wonderful country elected him. I hate that fact, it makes me sick to my stomach. As for anything else worth a damn I have no clue.
So just to let you know I am new to this and most everything else I am involved in. So sit back and let the rookie tell you how stupid you are.